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Fizz in the Beverage

2.26.15Hello Sportsfans — welcome to the weekly loosen your drag here on Lake of the Woods.  We will start from the stretch and wind our way through this past week.

Without using many words of wisdom the fishing can be summed up as:  a week ago “cork popping”, and today “not much fiz” left in the beverage.  It more than seems like we’ve been on the drop as far as numbers and action for about the past seven days.  Some might say it’s comparable to what the MN Twins generally go through just before All-Star Break.  A losing streak…  Ouch!  Snap!  Boom!

Except for us…  We’re well past the break…  And actually, we’re only looking at about THREE more solid weeks for the ice fishing season.  Not good news when you hit a dip (slow fishing) in early March, but
we’ve seen it happen before.  It’s almost as though the fish stall-out with their anticipation of spring.  Or it is the unsolvable equation if you will.

Can’t make ‘em bite?  Go figure?  Either way we keep moving and keep hustling in hopes that something comes about.  As long as we’re still getting enough fish in the pail to put a fresh meal on the plate in the evening, then let’s be darn good and happy… we’ll take it!

This morning there was some chatter at the guide breakfast table about beginning a southward migration with the fish houses.  But the feeling is, to be honest, it’s mostly chatter.  We’d like to think we could catch fish closer to home, but until we hear a legitimate report, or see it for ourselves, we’ll most likely be sticking to the reefs up north.  It’s kind of a “stick with what got us here” attitude.

Lots of activity this week and this weekend here at Ballard’s Resort.  With a little luck the walleye action will pick up…  Either way we’re having fun!!

Set the hook.