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Here we go…

Hello sportsman! The past 7 days have been good, overall… We had a windy day here and there, but for the most part we can’t complain!

Our charters have been trying it all. The past week has been WORK… But they are still finding enough fish to take a nice limit home, along with the occasional trophy. Our boats have been finding fish stretched around the Islands of Knight and Bridges. Fishing off the rocks in 24’ to 30’ of water and jigging a 3/8ths to 5/8ths ounce jig. Colors have varied but most are using gold, orange, and a pink/glow jig. Water temperature is now at 63 degrees.

Here’s a tip: Try fishing outside the gap in 28 feet and drift up to about 5 feet. Lure of Choice? GOLD spinners and pulling a leach.  If the wind is right you should be able to work way all along Pine Island. This would be our first choice if you didn’t want to make the trip north. Our charters have been pulling in many eaters along the island in a variety of depths. LOOKING AHEAD… The weather is looking fantastic, highs for the next 7 days are hovering right around the 75 mark. Hope for about a 10 mph wind and SET THE HOOK.
