One-two-three… One-two-three…
It was extremely awkward (middle school dance class) keeping time with the music, holding hands with a partner, and sweating profusely through the pits of your shirt.
One-two-three… One-two-three…
It was at this juncture of a pubescent dancing career a realization came that some like to Polka and others like to JIG! (as in for walleyes)
One-two-three… One-two-three…
The latest and greatest in the world of walleye fishing? Similar to the dance partner’s feet… We’re on ’em, we’re not on ’em, we’re on ’em.
One-two-three… One-two-three…
This past week started out with a BANGER with some 500+ fish days in the cleaning shack. The type of whack and stack numbers we have not seen in quite a while (for sure this season).
One-two-three… One-two-three…
About 2 miles offshore, once the action slowed, it was once again time to bump and run with the shacks.
One-two-three… One-two-three…
The second move of the week was not as productive. Yes, still catching walleye sauger enough for FRESH FISH. But hey (in the words of Joe Lorenzen) we can always do better.
One-two-three… One-two-three…
Keep dancing, keep moving, the third push of the week with the fish houses hit the whammy mark once again! Solid numbers of fish make for happy Ballard’s guides and even happier anglers!
Some like to Polka… Others like to JIG…