Part TWENTYFIVE – continued from last week’s episode –
Removing her size 34D brassiere, Sally looped Rusty’s belt though a shoulder strap and gripped the fabricated length of rope in her teeth. Back toward the open window they crept…
Now, with a crow-hop, she vaulted to the top of Rusty’s shoulders as he stood, legs spread and hands pressed firmly facing the wall. In a blink she was a WILDCAT! Straight to the top of the ceiling… Both feet planted on his shoulders… Head and body now jutting half-way outside the high reaching window.
Momentarily, she let herself freefall into the outer darkness of the building… Somersaulting midway down… And then sticking a perfect landing at the completion of what ended up being a double-forward-flip with a half twist. Any knowing US or Canadian tumbling judge would have scored her performance with a perfect TEN… Potentially, an eastern European judge may have been stingy and posted a lesser NINE based on a technicality. Of which the said fault would most likely never be revealed publicly (they traditionally show preference to blondes over brunettes).
Standing at the ready inside the building Rusty grasped in the dark for the free end of the makeshift belt that Sally had tossed part way back through the opening of the window. She held tight as Rusty looked up into the moonlight and spotted the tailing end of the brassiere.
In his mind he calculated it would take a 36-inch vertical jump, a firm clutch with his right power hand, and a multitude of luck. He then shared this intel by whispering toward the window and forewarning Sally of the situation.
“DUDE… Man up and let’s go,” she encouraged.
It was darker than the inside of a cow. Rusty backtracked to the far side of the room and then exploded toward the open window and freedom. Damn! At least a foot-and-a-half short as he felt the air leave his chest post-crash off the interior wall.
“RUSTY! What’s going on in there? Stop fooling around and get your ass out this window.” Sally hissed through gritted teeth. Thankfully he was still on the inside… Missing her multiple eye rolls and disgruntled head shakes.
On his first attempt Rusty had been playing in his mind the Chicago Cubs 1984 theme song by Van Halen “JUMP”. The result had not brought success.
Now, he found a bucket of fish guts to upend, and placed it four feet away from the wall in line with the window and the makeshift brassier-belt. In the dark it appeared as though the fish guts were alive, but upon closer inspection he realized they were simply piles of maggots crawling on the entrails. The venomous vile in his throat similar to “Senior Day” on the pitcher’s mound instantly returned.
Maybe he needed the lyrics from Paul McCartney and Wings “If we ever get out of here.” And with that he raced across the floor, launched with his left foot hitting on top of the bucket, collided into the wall spinning in circles and tightly clasped the end of the improvised rope!
Surprisingly, there was very little stretch in the sexy sheer comfort of the fabric. Perhaps Vanity Fair Lingerie… Not Sears… Or quite possibly Victoria Secret. That seemed more Sally’s style.
In their youth… Rusty, along with cousins Skip and Scoop would annually dress in women’s apparel one night a year (Halloween). They LOVED the candy… But HATED being fashioned and paraded by Aunt Dolly.
For this… Each of the three blamed Uncle Jazzy! He had never provided Aunt Dolly with a daughter. Worse for Rusty as the middle of his back would be sharded with welts by the end of the evening. After the first ten trips to a door in the neighborhood (youngest first Rusty) the bra snapping from his cousins in the rear became less than comical.
So much so… His knocking became fiercer to quicken the candy begging process and he leveled a screen door at Old Man Barnhart’s place. The boys scrambled down the street in fear. A small price to pay… Laboring for the rights to develop well-earned cavities.
With a lapsing eye roll and head shake Aunt Dolly idly trolled behind the sprinting pack. It was hard-hitting for her to believe she shared the same pond of genes with these three Halloween beauties.
He then scaled the inside wall and freed himself from captivity. Ill prepared for the forward reeling, he went out the window face first, barely missed Sally on impact, and then flipped over uncontrollably tumbling downhill toward the lake’s edge. Thankfully the depth of the snow slowed his roll… Along with a boulder the size of a trivial cottage that abruptly ended his gymnastics floor routine.
The Russians gave him a TWO on the performance… While the Americans and Canadians uncharacteristically agreed wholeheartedly at the scorer’s table.
Holding an outstretched hand Sally picked Rusty up off his duff and they quickly made their way toward the cover of darkness. Sally leading… Rusty in tow…
Neither of the two had a cellular phone and from a safe distance kneeling in the woods at the fringe of the yard they could see a lamplight on in what they assumed was the second story window of Buzz’s bedroom. To their knowledge he lived alone.
“What next… Sal you want your bra back?” Rusty muttered… Still jacked with adrenaline.
More eye rolls and head shakes from Sally. And this time he was fully aware of her gestures.
“I wish I had some candy” he thought to himself… While putting his belt back on and placing the brasserie in his jacket pocket.
– To Be Continued –