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Rusty Flathers was born and raised in a small border town that connects northern Minnesota to Northwest Ontario. For ninety miles you could adventure along a river that divided the two countries. In addition, there was a border lake on which he lived, where there were one million acres to explore, and the waters were shared jointly between the U.S. and Canada.

On a good day his city of Skiff Falls, MN held steady with a population of 832 people. The main industry was fishing tourism, and a close second was the logging industry. Some of the most rivaled Fourth of July softball tournaments pitted teams from “the lake” vs teams from “the bush”.

Fishing guides were known to be better with a ball glove as they had an inherent feel for fish and were gifted with a natural fielder’s touch. The loggers were consistently stouter and more recognized for their Red Wing steel-toed boots and longball hitting abilities. They swung a bat like an axe, but when it made contact it went a tamarack swamp mile.

Traffic was light on the way to the airport at Wisacode International and so was the conversation. Rusty was at the wheel with girlfriend Sally Squatsnfishes adjacent in the single cab Chevrolet C10 half-ton pickup truck, with Professor Cosmoid Scale next to the passenger door.

The 8-foot bed of the blue and white truck was loaded for bear as they ambled their way down the blacktop heading toward “a new start”. Sally was south bound for Australia… Rusty and Cosmoid would be crossing the northern border.

“Link” would also be joining the passengers destined for remote Ontario lake country. He was a brand-new black lab puppy, eight weeks old, male, impeccable British background, bad teeth but proper manners.

For Sally and Rusty… Their previous photoshoot / adventure at the Gold Rope Ranch had proven two things. First, they still had feelings for each other that ran deeper than friendship. Second, before departing company to explore opposite ends of the earth they deemed it necessary to purchase something that would act for the bond they shared between them.

Thus, a jet setting side trip ensued. A quick trip to the Belvoir Castle Estate in England… A celeb pop in with her majesty the Queen… And the purchase of a puppy with royal bloodlines. 

Link was baptized in the artesian well of British field-trial champions. Her Grace was in possession of renowned sire Sir Sheds A Lot (Byron) from the Sandringham Kennels, and a breeding bitch who came by way of Fenway Kennels with the name Lord Shes Got Legs (Lady). Both the sire and dam were descendants of Buccleuch Oak, an incredible strain of original Labrador.

The airport was quiet for the 06:38am outbound flight. Wisacode to Minneapolis to Los Angeles to Sydney might as well have been to Mars. Rusty had whole-heartedly agreed with Sally that such distance would be an excellent test of faith for their relationship to succeed. What he did NOT agree to, was her mission to capture the “Kraken”.

News of the mangrove killifish saga (Series One of Rusty Flathers) had circled the globe in prior months leading up to this private invitation from the Australian Commonwealth Government. Recently, there had been a confirmed sighting of the sea monster spotted off the southwestern coast near Bremer Bay.

This real-life animal was responsible for attacking HMAS Victoria, an amphibious assault ship in the (RAN) Royal Australian Navy. The ship disappeared to unfathomable depths and its crew of 1600 soldiers was left with 517 survivors. Either the Kraken’s belly was full of human bodies, or it was driven away by the appearance of several rescue vessels responding to the Mayday call.

Either way… Hired on as a mercenary… Sally Squatnfishes was on a secret mission. She would not be considered a legitimate combatant by the Geneva Convention, and she would not be entitled to the legal protections of the (RAN). Flying under the radar, so to speak, she was a hired gun working for a private entity, seeking redemption on behalf of the government of Australia.

Her mission? Triple top secret!

Professor Cosmoid Scale, with Link in his arms, witnessed a lasting embrace between Sally and Rusty that brought finality to their mutual decision to temporarily part ways. It was only Rusty who was aware of the risks involved. Anyone else keeping tabs on Sally Squatsnfishes was under the assumption she would be down-under for a period of twelve months representing both Bluey Merino and Zorali for some specialized outdoor clothing photo shoots.

“Scale… You take care of my guy, hey!” shouted Sally from the top of the jet bridge. “I’ll see you boys in a few months!”

“Take care Ms. Squatsnfishes, we’ll be fine! Bremer Bay is known for its fantastic salmon fishing! Enjoy your time away.” Hollered Professor Scale in return.

Rusty took Link from Cosmoid’s arms… Held him out toward Sally… Waved a little black paw in her direction… Then he used the curly coated puppy’s fur to dry his own tears.

“Let’s bolt Cos,” quipped Rusty, as he turned and made his way toward the exit of the airport. One last glance over his shoulder, and he wondered if this would be the last time he’d ever see Sally. This made his chest hurt and he knew it was his heart aching… Not the pack of Carolina’s Extreme Spicy Beef Jerky he had devoured on the ride over.

The plane departed the runway with the clouds opening and the jet disappearing into the stratosphere. Back behind the wheel of the pickup truck Rusty, Cosmo and Link continued their merry way toward the Minnesota / Ontario international border crossing. The distance from Wisacode to the border was a mere two miles, which was good, as it quickly took Rusty’s mind off the departure of his girlfriend.

“Here… Gimme your passport” Rusty said, as the truck rolled up to the window of the Canada Customs and Immigration Centre. Then cranking down his driver’s side window he passed their info packs to the outstretched hand of the Customs Officer.

“Where are you from Mr. Flathers?” the man behind the window queried.

“Over west… Skiff Falls, Minnesota” Rusty replied.

“I see,” he responded. “Where abouts are the two of you off to?”

“Professor Scale and I have purchased a Canadian fishing camp on Lac des Bois.” This statement by Rusty was in fact true. Originally, it was Cosmoid who had been gifted with the property, but under discussion with Rusty it was established they would be equal partners on this venture. It was the only way Rusty would agree to the proposition of managing the camp and temporarily part ways with Sally.

“Here’s a copy of the deeded property and our real estate purchase” he offered and passed the papers to the Officer.

Then the Officer stared and asked, “Did you two pack your own bags for this trip?”

With a furrowed brow Rusty looked to Cos and then back at the questioner… “Ah, yes sir, we did.”

“And tell me… Are either of you two carrying any unusual items, like a voodoo doll?” was the next question.

Rusty was looking for “a new start”, and it appeared as though this would be his first hurdle in starting that blessed beginning.

–            To Be Continued –