Ice + Fishing = Ice Fishing
It’s a super duper Sunday (FEB 11) on Lake of the Woods and here are a few updates with the latest and greatest:
– twas a BIG weekend at Ballard’s Resort. Caught fish… Had way TOO MUCH fun… And hosted Bridget’s bachelorette party!
– a return of snow and cold has gripped the northwoods… We will find out soon how the fish react.
– currently our fish houses are now 4 to 5 miles offshore… The bite is being dominated by saugers, but there has been a return of walleyes with a higher percentage in the mix.
– fishing depths vary depending on location, but for the most part we are fishing 28-30ft of water.
– the past few days our guides have actually been sneaking closer to the south shore (shhhhhhhhhhh… keep this on the down low…)
– downtown ZB says shallower has been more consistent. #DontLeaveFishToFindFish
What else? Lots of WINTER ahead in our forecast. More cold. More snow. More FISH. Come join the fun! (weekend and midweek availability)
TALES OF RUSTY FLATHERS: https://ballardsresort.com/episode-2/